We believe in meeting regularly as Scripture commands us to in order to build one another up in faith (Hebrews 3:13). Although this can include things like visiting each other in our homes, supper dates or sharing a coffee, we have also set aside specific meeting times during the week.
While our gatherings are always informal, we still believe that all things should be done in a proper manner (1 Corinthians 14:40) and seek to conduct our meetings freely, but orderly.
Our Sunday services consist of singing praises to God, followed by a Bible story and lesson for the children. Immediately following we have a time of teaching/prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:3). We also believe in practicing the tangible expression of God’s divine headship order during these times (1 Corinthians 11:2-16). For men, this means keeping their head uncovered, and for women, this means covering their head with either a scarf or hat. This practice is not forced on anyone, nor is it a requirement for fellowship with us. We do not seek to major on minors, but we do desire to treat every commandment with reverence.
We enjoy keeping our children with us during our meetings. Younger children are encouraged to colour or play quietly, and we encourage older children be attentive to those who are sharing.
This time of teaching is usually followed by a period of reflection in which members can freely comment, ask questions or share a personal testimony.
We do not take up an offering in any of our meetings. Instead, we keep a box in the back of the gym and members are free to give cheerfully as they are prompted by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 9:7), in secret (Matthew 6:3-4), and in right relationship with one another (Matthew 5:23-24).
Currently, all funds received go directly to the practical needs of the church, such as rental fees, ministry resources, and member support. We have no paid staff at our church.
We also share lunch together immediately after the service each Sunday. We welcome all of our guests and visitors to stay to eat, meet, and mingle with us.
Our Thursday meetings are generally a time of prayer, fellowship, and study. We offer prayers one by one as the Spirit leads, giving everyone a chance to pray and add their "Amen" in agreement.